
We drew our own 3D Sketchup model and we produced a full set of 2D AutoCad drawings to design and to communicate requirements to the General Contractor who was working remotely the majority of the time and for city and authorities having jurisdiction approval (the City). Emails and  Skype supplemented communication and we made only 2 site visits during construction. Photos were liberally supplied by the builder and both hand sketches and 3D Sketchup model views were discussed and exchanged regularly.

Examples of 2D CADD Drawings

Click for D200_ExteriorElevations 18×24 (1)

Click for D102_PartitionPlan 18×24 (1)

Click for 140102_D106_FloorFinishesPlan_R1

Examples of 3D Sketchup Model

Sketch Windows

Sketch Master BR Windows

Sketch Great Rm Triangle Windows

Sketch Great Rm Section

Sketch Front Porch Windows

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